REVIEW: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Lewis Carroll, a controversial and colorful character himself, creates a vivid and trippy world in his upside-down fairy tale travels with Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

Down the rabbit hole we go, bumping into unforgettable creatures along the way; staples of many a childhood. A journey through the unknown, promoting individuality and exploration of imagination.

At the center though, is a brat.

While in full support of Carroll cranking up the imagery and spirit in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, he could have cranked down the precociousness of his leading lady. Alice has the common “too smart for her own good” air popular among children’s lit; but it goes from charming to obnoxious faster than you can say, “Drink me.”

Alice is pretty much the original millennial (or at least the media idea of what millennials are…which they generally aren’t, but we will leave that for another day and a different blog); and while the idea of continuing on adventures with Lewis Carroll is appealing, I’d prefer Alice stay home for the rest.


Rating: 3.5 Mad Tea Parties


2 thoughts on “REVIEW: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

  1. Dana – here we must agree to disagree. Alice in Wonderland is way more than just about Alice. It’s about satire and Carroll’s brilliant use of language. It is one of my all time favorite books,and very much worth reading for its cleverness. Precocious Alice, for me, serves only to move the story along.


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