REVIEW: The Count of Monte Cristo

I claimed my last review would be short and sweet, but it was pretty much the same as all my others.

Ironically, this one truly will be.

Alexandre Dumas’ The Count of Monte Cristo is a long time beloved classic for a reason.  An exciting tale of revenge with a brilliant and charming lead, it is filled with adventure, romance, and villains.  The Count of Monte Cristo keeps you on the edge of your seat, and pulls you in to Dante’s quest to reverse the ill fortune bestowed on him.

Though it took me an embarrassingly long time to read this novel, I chalk that up to my ADD and stubborn desire that all books be 300 pages or less, not Dumas’ inability to keep me hooked. Something about the essence of this novel reminded me a bit of, one of my favorites, Orczy’s The Scarlet Pimpernel.

Dumas is a favorite among my family, and I am glad to have joined the club.

Rating: 4 Prison Bars

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